一般財団法人 全日本ろうあ連盟 青年部

Japanese Federation of the Deaf Youth Section


© 一般財団法人 全日本ろうあ連盟 青年部 All rights reserved.


ウクライナへの軍事行動への反対表明 Statement of Protest Against Russia’s Military Invasion of Ukraine


*English follows Japanese.


一般財団法人 全日本ろうあ連盟 青年部


【全日本ろうあ連盟青年部 規約 前文】


Statement of Protest Against Russia’s Military Invasion of Ukraine

 The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia launched on 24 February 2022 is an obvious violation of international law. War results directly in a significant loss of life and human rights violations.
 Japanese Federation of the Deaf Youth Section states in the preamble of its constitution, “We shall protect the lives and rights of Deaf youth and oppose all forms of discrimination, and through activities for this purpose, we shall use our best efforts to eliminate discrimination against all people.”
 Protecting lives and human rights is our mission and this can only be achieved through peace.
 War only destroys many lives and brings disaster, and it will never bring happiness. Military actions that threaten safety, peace, and stability cannot be allowed. We strongly hope for an immediate ceasefire and hereby express our opposition to military action and war against Ukraine.

The Preamble to the Constitution of Japan Federation of the Deaf Youth Section

 Japanese Federation of the Deaf, hereinafter referred to as “the Federation”, Youth Section was formed as a place for the Deaf Youth all over Japan to deepen mutual solidarity and friendship, and to go forward together hand in hand in the new movement to ensure the rights and well-being of the Deaf.
 We, the Deaf youths, have various needs. We want workplaces where we can feel comfortable and be able to demonstrate our full potential. We want to receive a good education to build a better future. We want to be familiar with rich culture and to improve physical and mental strengths through sports.
 We, the Youth Section bring together these demands and work to realize a peaceful and democratic society through the united efforts of all youths.
 We, the Youth Section shall protect the lives and rights of Deaf youth and oppose all forms of discrimination, and through activities for this purpose, we shall use our best efforts to eliminate discrimination against all people.

March 6, 2022
Japanese Federation of the Deaf Youth Section



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